Identity Access Management (IAM)

Identity Access Management (IAM) is an important aspect of IT security that makes it possible to manage the identity and access rights of users and devices. IAM helps to protect an organization's data and resources from unauthorized access, misuse or theft. IAM also offers benefits such as improved user experience, increased productivity, better compliance and a reduced cost burden.

We understand how important it is to manage the identity and access rights of your users and devices. That's why we offer professional Identity Access Management (IAM) solutions that increase your IT security and optimize your business processes. With our IAM solutions, you can ensure that only authorized persons and devices can access your sensitive data and resources.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Principle of Least Privilege Implementierung

Our consulting services include the development of customized Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) strategies, combined with the Principle of Least Privilege, to ensure that your employees can only access the information and resources that are absolutely necessary. These strategies are critical to minimizing security risks and maximizing compliance by ensuring that access rights are precisely aligned with the requirements of each role within your organization.

Development of authorization concepts

Our consultants work closely with your team to develop detailed authorization concepts that meet your specific business needs and security requirements. We provide a clear definition and documentation of access rights to ensure secure and efficient management.

Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions

We implement Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions using OAuth2, OpenID Connect (OIDC) and SAML2.0 to enable a seamless and secure user experience across different applications and services. Our SSO solutions improve user satisfaction and increase security by reducing password risks.

Active Directory (AD) & Azure AD Integration

Benefit from our expertise in the integration and optimization of Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD, including hybrid configurations. We support you in migrating, configuring and managing your identity and access management solutions to ensure an efficient and secure environment.

Multi-Factor-Authentification (MFA)

Our consulting services include the implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to provide an additional layer of security for accessing your systems and data. MFA is critical to protect against phishing attacks and other security threats.

IAM for cloud environments and use of default roles

Specializing in IAM solutions for cloud environments such as SAP Cloud, MS Azure, Google Cloud Platform and AWS, we offer advice on how to securely manage identities and access in the cloud. This includes not only optimization, but also the strategic use of default roles to ensure efficient access management while maximizing security. We support you in implementing cloud-specific IAM strategies that offer flexibility and scalability.

Zero Trust Security Model Strategy

In today's digital landscape, where threats can come from both outside and inside, the Zero Trust Security Model is an essential approach to enterprise security. Our Zero Trust Security Model consulting service provides a comprehensive strategy based on the assumption that trust should never be implicit and every request, regardless of its origin, must be verified. We help you implement a Zero Trust framework that includes strict identity verification, micro-segmentation, least privilege access controls and real-time security monitoring to effectively protect your critical assets and data.

Technical audit of an IAM implementation

To ensure the security and effectiveness of your IAM implementation, we offer comprehensive Whitebox Security Assessments. These consist of:

  • Config checks: We analyze the configuration of your IAM solutions to ensure they are set up according to best practices and security policies. This includes checking authorization settings, the use of default roles and the configuration of authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Penetration testing: By simulating attacks on your IAM systems from the perspective of an authorized user (whitebox approach), we identify vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. This helps to close potential security gaps and strengthen the resilience of your IAM implementation. See also: Penetration Testing & Red Teaming
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